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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Simple Survival Gear - DIY De-humidifier for Ammo Storage

Re-post Courtesy of Riverwalkers Stealth Survival

Humidity is one of the main factors that can affect your ammo storage. While there are many good de-humidifiers for your gun safes that work quite well, financial resources may be limited. You may also lack the funds for a large gun safe and are looking for a way to protect your ammunition from humidity that is being stored in ammo cans because of their portability. Here is a simple way to make a DIY dehumidifier for your ammo storage.

The Needed Items:

1.) Plastic container with tight-fitting lid that is appropriately sized for your storage area. Use a larger one for a gun safe and a smaller size for an ammo can, etc.

2.) A hammer, rock, or boot heel to pound with.

3.) An old piece of ladies hosiery. Do not use the wife’s good ones. Ask nicely and she will give you an old pair. They usually have a bunch of old ones. Do not go out and buy new hose as this is not a “macho guy” type thing.

4.) Knife, nail, or other sharp pointy object to poke holes. Your Ka-bar will work.

4.) Sidewalk chalk (any color works fine - just don’t use pink-colored unless you are female). Do not use your children’s sidewalk chalk as this could cause your children undue stress. It’s very cheap! Go buy your own!

The How-To-Make Procedure:

1.) Pound sidewalk chalk with hammer, rock, or boot heel.

2.) Place pulverized sidewalk chalk in piece of hosiery and secure any open ends with string or twine.

3.) Take appropriate size plastic container with lid and use sharp pointy object to poke numerous small holes in the container or lid, whichever is easier.

4.) Place hosiery bag with busted chalk in plastic container and place in ammo storage unit (gun safe, ammo can, coffee can, old cardboard box, etc.).

Check your DIY De-Humidifier for Ammo Storage on a fairly frequent basis, every few weeks should be sufficient, and simply remove the bag if it gets moist or starts to clump up from humidity and place in bright sunlight for a few hours to dry out and return it to its container when the chalk has dried out. It is now ready to be re-used. Recycling can be fun and easy!

Got chalk?

Staying above the water line!

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